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4 + 2 = 1

Waiting for Our Twins

Waiting for Our Twins

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Shedding the Old, Putting on the New

A big part of bringing the twins home was that we were to bring new clothes for them to change into before they left The Baby House.  Picking out outfits to have them leave in was exciting!

We discuss how excited Annalise is and how happy the staff is for Asher and Annalise!  They wanted to know how we chose their names.
 After everyone was done eating cake, drinking juice, and eating oranges, we took the twins into the room where we have played for hours, and changed them.  Annalise was giddy she was SO excited, and Asher, well, he was not so happy.

Once dressed, we were ready to go!  As we walked into the smaller room to put on their hats, coats, gloves, NATO officers arrived- and they were from America!  The NATO station is not far from The Baby House, and the officers there come and play with the children some weekly, some monthly.  How amazing is that?

Those extra people added to Asher's worry- but the Director scooped him up and calmed him down.

Walking down the stairs to the car.  See the 3 biggest ones all holding hands?  Melts my heart!

The Social Worker saying Good-bye to Annalise- she had a special bond with her....
 Tears were shed by many of the workers.  The twins have been there over 4 years and many never thought they would leave with a family.  It was explained to us that they were all so happy for the twins but sad to not have them around.  I am so thankful for a staff that loved the twins before I could.
Al carrying the infamous box- that would shortly be puked all over and left on the side of the Lithuanian highway....
One packed van!!
Ready or not- here we come Vilnius!  Doctors appointments, photos, physicals, Embassy appointments, passports, vaccinations, and hopefully a trip to an indoor water park, hot chocolate, and lots of happy memories to be made!

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