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Waiting for Our Twins

Waiting for Our Twins

Friday, January 3, 2014


I know blog is about our adoption- but this was an added bonus- and a cool time!  Once we landed, we gathered our backpacks, went through Customs, rode the Uban downtown, and bought tickets for a City Tour!  The kids loved it- the bus provided earphones so you could hear about the various building in just about any language!  It was a perfect way to spend a rainy afternoon- the kids napped for a bit on the bus- but they did learn a lot about Frankfurt- they are very proud of being considered the Manhattan of Europe and most of their skyscrapers and some of the most energy efficient.
Yummy food in the subway!  Yes, Flat Stanley made an appearance!  Sadly he blew away shortly after this picture was taken...
The best pretzels they had ever eaten
Our tour bus
Love the old buildings
The Main Train Station- the auto week they are advertising will pull over 1 million people in in less than a week!  Glad it wasn't when we were there!
Family pic!
Alden loved this building... 
Skyline- kinda cool with all the rain drops
Right as the tour ended, the clouds blew away and the sun actually came out!

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