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Waiting for Our Twins

Waiting for Our Twins

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


The preschool that Adeline and Alden attended is amazing.  It was the only place I knew they were better off being if they weren't with me! They still go there in the morning until their bus comes since middle school starts before elementary school.  

Since Asher and Annalise will also go to this preschool, I have been speaking with the director- a lovely man from Ireland- and getting his insights on ways to best help with transitions.  The entire staff has been excited for us and super supportive.  A few weeks ago, I bought them a book on Lithuanian.  Imagine my surprise when, on Tuesday morning, as I was dropping off Adeline and Alden, to be greeted by "Sveiki!!"- hello in Lithuanian!  Not only has the staff been studying Lithuanian, but teaching it to Adeline, Alden, and many other children!

Asher and Annalise- you are already loved and greatly anticipated by your preschool!  There are tons of kids excited to try out their Lithuanian on you- and play with you- and hug you- and help you play JustDance- and play outside with you- and go on field trips with you- read with you- the list goes on and on!!

Until you make it home, visa gero- good-bye!  Azh, miletti, juice- I love you!

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