4 + 2 = 1

4 + 2 = 1

Waiting for Our Twins

Waiting for Our Twins

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Imperfect Blessings

Big things have been happening here!  We have been calling Immigration every Monday for the last few weeks to see where we were in regards to being assigned a Case Worker- what has been a two- three week process is now taking 90 days....  Last week, I spoke with a man who told me that if our children were in medical danger, we could apply to be expedited!  Since our twins have some potentially serious issues- brain swelling, strokes, blindness- we contacted the international Doctor we have been working with.  Within 10min of Al sending her an email, she called him!  She was on vacation and did not have the ability to write the letter, but she would do it first thing Monday morning when she was back in her office.  True to her word, around 9am on Monday, she emailed Immigration and us her letter.  We were grateful for this- but had been cautioned that it would probably not work.  

24 hours after receiving the doctors email, we found out we HAD been expedited!  We not only had a Case Worker, she had already reviewed our case, approved us, and had put in the mail our 797!

Yay!!!!!  Our twins health needs, their imperfections, are actually helping them get to us and the medical help they so desperately need!

Once we receive the 797, our huge packet of papers, aka The Dossier, will be dropped off downtown to be appostilled!  We hope to have it all on it's way to Lithuania by mid-week next week (it has to be mailed to Michigan first and THEY mail it to Lithuania).

We are thrilled with this and are greatly excited!

Now to pray that it doesn't take too long to translate all our documents into Lithuanian and for Lithuania to decide if we may indeed, have the twins!

Sweet Asher and Annalise- it's my prayer that we have you home for Christmas {a Mom can hope and pray, right??}


  1. Dear Lisa,
    Your blog has already served a wonderful purpose, giving me a heads up about the USCIS delays. We are just finishing the home study to adopt the sister of one of our 2 Lithuanian daughters, adopted 2 years ago. I had hoped we could travel before Christmas, following the timeline from our previous adoption in 2011, but I see now that will be impossible unless we expedite the process. That may be possible, as at 3.5 yrs she was only 13 lbs! Also listed w/heart troubles & FAS. So, we will submit a request to expedite. Did you have to have a Dr. letter or would the Lithuanian medical information have sufficed?
    Blessings, Sherry

    1. I am SO sorry, Sherry- I just saw this! I hope you have learned more- but having our International Dr write a letter to USCIS is what helped us! She wrote the letter based on the info we were given from our agency.
