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4 + 2 = 1

Waiting for Our Twins

Waiting for Our Twins

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Top 10 on the Twins

We have now spent 5 sessions with the twins and have learned so much about them!  They are so sweet and SO excited when we arrive- we are greeted by choruses of "Mamma, Dadda!", huge smiles cover their faces and we get big hugs!

Top 10 Things we have learned about each of them:

1.  She adores her Daddy and Momma, but is clearly going to be a Daddy's girl
2.  She has all the characteristics of an older sister (aka she is super bossy)
3.  She loves to laugh
4.  She loves to watercolor- and drink the water that she has dipped her brush into...
5.  She loves stickers
6.  She is not a fan of puzzles
7.  She loves lotion- she puts a drop on her hands, then her face, and then rubs her hands
8.  She loves to ride on Al's shoulders
9.  She loves Momma's iPhone and thinks Siri is hysterical (all Siri says is that she must be connected to the internet in order to work)
10.  She adores her new sister and brother

1.  He loves his Mommy and Daddy but is showing signs of being a Momma's boy
2.  He goes along with whatever his sister says
3.  He is a lover not a fighter, but he still knows how to punch his sisters buttons and laughs at the reaction he can get
4.  He loves to be tickled
5.  He LOVES to paint- and will paint for as long as you let him.  He doesn't really need paint, just water, a brush and some paper.  He will try to drink the paint water any time your attention is not 100% on him
6.  He loves the huge Lego blocks
7.  He adores Adeline and revers Alden
8.  He makes this shocked look when he is about to laugh or get into trouble
9.  He has the cutest most infectious giggle which he does loudly when he is doing something he isn't supposed to do....
10.  He likes to climb into things

With each passing visit, they are clinging to us more and more.  They walk us to the front door and wave good-bye and blow us kisses.  They always check with their worker about when we will be returning.


  1. Love readin about them! Look forward to more posts! Ha, I also just realized I didn't find you guys through Reece rainbow :) But googling Lithuania adoption :) there is a sweet girl about 5 on Rr with Down Syndrome from Lithuania and the pic of her looks like it could be in your kids playroom!

    1. I adopted from the same baby house about 18 months ago and there was a very sweet girl with DS there. So sweet and lovable!!

  2. Lisa, I've been praying all morning. I hope you have good news to share soon. I can't wait to see pictures. I love seeing what you've posted so far. Brings back so many memories. God bless!
