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Waiting for Our Twins

Waiting for Our Twins

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Dossier Complete- Whew!

There are some rather impressive sounding words that I can now throw around at parties and sound super smart.  These words I previously had no clue what they meant- by definition or for what they stood for.   Since I am a nice person, here they are, so you can understand them when I use them, and so you, too, can sound super snazzy!

Dossier- a compilation of massive amounts of paperwork- criminal background checks from every state you have lived in since you were 18; doctors' reports concerning the health of everyone in your household (pets included); marriage licenses (not more than one, but multiple copies of it); birth certificates; HomeStudy papers; tax returns; this isn't all of it, but you get the gist.  The kicker?  All of these documents can NOT be dated less than 6months ago!  It's a LOT to juggle and Al has been a pro at organizing all this!

Apostille- a fancy seal to verify that your notary is indeed a real notary.  Just about every document above had to have this done.  We are so blessed to live in our state's capitol so Al was able to drop off our pile of documents in the afternoon and pick them up 24hrs later.

Attestation- another document that states that the documents it is attached to, is authentic.

See?  Aren't these cool sounding words?

Want to SEE what is looks like?

Our Dossier was shipped to Michigan, where our agency is headquartered.  There it is checked against the massive checklist required by Lithuania and copied in triplicate form!  Friday, a copy and the originals will be shipped to Lithuania!  There they will be translated and then presented to the office handling Waiting Children.

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