4 + 2 = 1

4 + 2 = 1

Waiting for Our Twins

Waiting for Our Twins

Sunday, April 7, 2013


So far we have been asked these two questions the most:  1)Why are we adopting an internationally and 2)why a sibling group?

In a nutshell, we feel called.

Also, we did some research about what life is like for children who live in Eastern Europe if they are not adopted.  It's not pretty-  it mostly ends in drugs, prostitution and premature death.

If we can make a difference, then what a humbling opportunity.

Many countries are closed to international adoptions and those that are open have extensive requirements- BMI's below certain levels, no drug involvement, no guns, all medication locked up, certain amount of income, etc....

We have been blessed- and we will have to give an account of what we have done with our blessings.  Having fancy cabinets, a paved driveway, fancy vacations, spiffy new clothes= not how I want to explain to my Lord and Savior how I invested what He gave us.  There is nothing wrong with those things- but for us, now, we feel the importance of helping others- specifically children who need homes.  Someday I will need new cabinets- but now, I need children.

At this point, we haven't been approved for two children, but we feel it's important to apply for two.  We have room in our hearts- Addie and Alden both really want their "own" sibling- and we have room in our home.  After it's all said and done, we may only be adding one child- it's all in God's hands.

It's going to be an adventure- we are scared and excited but mostly excited!

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