4 + 2 = 1

4 + 2 = 1

Waiting for Our Twins

Waiting for Our Twins

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Winter Memories

We have been busy this winter- so busy intact, that I haven't been able to blog!  It's been fun to see how much Asher and Annalise have changed and in what areas they are starting to feel truly comfortable!

Asher started the Early Intervention Preschool program- he LOVES is!  I'm not sure if he loves the fact that he has a big kid backpack or that he gets to ride a school bus, or that he loves his teacher, or that he has his own thing- the bottom line is he loves it!  He goes 4 days a week, and on Wednesday he goes to Goddard with the rest of us.  We are thankful for our friend Elizabeth, who loves on him and puts him on the bus for us when Al is not able to.

Getting on the bus!

Annalise finally showed the swim coach her backstroke and was able to join the Midlothian Tidal Waves!  She was SO excited!  Each practice she worked hard and we saw her times drop!

All lined-up!
Asher continues to struggle at swim meets- he can't understand why he is at a pool and can't get in the water!  Poor buddy!
This winter was one full of snow and ice!  For the entire month of Feb the kids only to school Mon-Wed!  It snowed or iced every Thur!  Asher fully embraced the snow and would only come in once we made him- he was usually frozen to the bone and happy as a clam!  At first he didn't like sledding one bit- but after Daddy took him down our hill once, he couldn't get enough!  Annalise loved the snow for about 15min and then she was done.  She preferred to look at books and sip hot coco.

We made maple-sugar-candy one day
The siblings continue to create memories together!  Often Annalise and Alden are off creating artwork together while Addie and Asher are learning together.  Or Asher and Annalise are off exploring while Addie and Alden are off exploring.  It is neat to see their relationships continue to grow and change.

Medically we continue to explore and discover other "issues" that need to be fixed.  It's amazing what a drastic difference a little surgery or medication can make!
Asher at the neurologists' office- he received another script for PT/OT and a referral to a sleep specialist
Asher "lost" a tooth- it literally fell out, but the other is not loose...
Annalise had an anti-thumbsucking device placed in her mouth.  She only sucked her thumb at night, but she sucked it ALL night long.  Without this, her speech could never improve.  She has handled this like a champ!
She also needed her right eardrum replaced- she is the bionic girl now!  Her ear drum was totally collapsed and had large cysts in it.  She now has a fully functioning ear drum, a titanium hammer/brace, and the chance to regain 80% hearing in that ear! 

 We are SO blessed- often we are exasperated and irritated, but we end each day reminded of how blessed we are to have these 4 amazing kiddos....
Fun with friends on yet another snow day!

Saturday, January 3, 2015

One Year Anniversary

This year has been amazing- emotionally draining and emotionally rewarding, physically demanding and covered in kisses and hugs, growth spurts, tantrums, giggle, tears, swimming, reading, doctors appointments, riding bikes, coloring, story telling, and lots of love!  The two children we met a year ago have changed so much that it is simply breath-taking!  We continue to be stretched as a family and parents- but God is good all the time.  He continues to give us grace and strength and almost daily reminders that this is HIS plan and HIS Grace is sufficient.  

Here are some facts about the kiddos now:
Favorite Color: Orange and purple and pink
Favorite Thing: HELLO KITTY (to be said in a high-pitched squeal)
Loves: All things Hello Kitty; her teacher, Mrs. Garcia; going to school; getting to be on the YMCA Swim Team; running errands with Mommy; being a big helper; singing the entire Frozen soundtrack
Hates: Sitting still; stinky smells

Favorite Color: Blue or green
Favorite Things: Scoops (or any construction vehicle), Firetrucks, Police Cars
Loves: All things that move; Mommy; going to school- Miss Monica and now Mrs. Craig; swimming and anything to do with water; drinking- drinks all.day.long; that he can keep his diaper dry during naps
Hates: no foods- eats like a champ; having to take naps- but he's a bear without them; being told no
What a change a year can make!
Timeline of our girl
Timeline of our boy

Our two over their first year home
All 4 of my loves this years

Moments of Annalise over her first year
Moments with Asher over his first year
 Our family now- we are so blessed!

God has big plans for you two!!