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4 + 2 = 1

Waiting for Our Twins

Waiting for Our Twins

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Fall Memories

Asher and Annalise have grown and changed so much- the change is simply dramatic!
Annalise has lost her 2 bottom teeth!
Asher LOVES to put out the cones before the school bus comes!
Asher has started pretend play!
Johnny Appleseed- apple picking! 
Annalise LOVED picking, and eating, apples from a trees!
These 4 make my heart happy!
Asher is a taco-eating machine!
Bubble-baths are super fun!
Asher loves his tools- and is constantly "fixing" things 
My 4 favorite pumpkins! 

Enjoying her first hay ride
Picking out his first pumpkin 
Hello Kitty tights and a German shirt!
Neighborhood heart throb...
Some milestones:
Annalise- knows her ABCs, can hold a pencil and write, is being successful in kindergarten, can ride a bike, sings some praise and worship songs, is excelling in math, loves to read and be read to, always needs 5 kisses before bed

Asher- can hold a crayon/pencil and color, can run and jump, has lots of friends in school, loves to be read to, is obsessed with trucks, can climb basic ladders unassisted, rides a bike, kicks a ball, wrinkles nose when he smiles

We are so blessed- a LOT has happened in 9 months- kinda like a pregnancy!