It's so hard to believe that Asher and Annalise have been Perreca's for 2 whole months now! Some days it feels like they have been here forever, and some days it feels like they just got here. Our family is better, louder, more loving, laughter-filled, and just more amazing because of these two! Adeline and Alden have grown and changed into even more amazing big siblings. Al and I have learned more about grace, forgiveness and joy. It hasn't been easy, and I know it won't ever be easy, but we are so thankful for these 2 new beautiful additions into our family!
Now, for the top 10 things we have learned about each of them....
Spunky Annalise
1. LOVES all things sparkly or shiny. Her top moment I would guess would be getting her ears pierced!
2. Sharing is HARD- she loves that the clothes she wears go BACK into HER closet after they are washed! Outgrowing clothes is an issue we are working through....
3. Fruit and veggies are her favorites! She is learning to like donuts and bread- mostly thanks to the example set by Adeline and Alden, without that, she may never eat carbs!
4. TV- she still isn't a fan and rarely sits still to watch more than 15min, but it's an improvement!
5. Books- she is learning to love them and will now sit for a long time flipping through them, making up stories that she tells out loud.
6. English is quickly becoming a part of her chatter- she understands 100% of what you tell her and her sentences are typically 1/2 Lithuanian and 1/2 English!
7. Adeline is what she needs to fall asleep- she needs Addie in their room or else she cries herself to sleep! Addie is learning to sleep through her snoring.
8. School is her favorite place- she asks to go before she goes to bed, she asks to go the moment she wakes-up, she squeals with delight when we pull up to Goddard! We are working on not pitching a fit when it's time to leave and come home at the end of the day....
9. Playing outside is awesome- she happily plays outside whenever we will let her! She has discovered baseball hats and loves to wear them backwards when playing outside! Happily she will put on her rain boots and tromp through the muddy creek in our back yard!
10. Loving others- she is finally comfortable enough in our family that she is starting to love others! Our neighbor, Miss Jennifer, the director of her preschool, Mr. Stephen, and my friends Karen and Kristin are her current favorite people outside of our family! Still, she runs into my room in the morning to get her morning hug- we are so glad to see her feeing safe enough to reach other to others!
Silly Asher
1. Silly- he loves to laugh and make others laugh! He finds humor in everything and his laugh is completely contagious!
2. Playing outside is his all time favorite thing- he jumps for joy when he is outside playing! He cries when it's time to come inside- you may have heard him at times....
3. Trucks- all things truck-like make him super excited! His most common phrase is, "Momma! Look at that truck!" So cute! He plays with all the trucks we have and will often nap with one tightly clutched in his fists.
4. Eating- he loves fruits and veggies and often has to be coaxed to eat meat and carbs. He struggles with low blood-sugar and is excited that he gets snacks all the time!
5. NOT a donut fan at all- this we will have to work on. We love donuts and they are celebratory in this family! He has zero interest in eating them....
6. Adores his siblings- he still jumps up and down, squealing with delight when Addie and Alden's bus comes around the corner- he loves seeing Alden when he wakes-up in the morning!
7. School is finally his- when he was finally able to go to preschool, he about came out of his skin he was so excited! He marched in and didn't look back! He loves being with other kids and is doing a great job at following directions! Thankfully he is happy to see me when he is picked up at the end of the day!
8. Music- you love it and sway in time to it! He loves church because of the music and currently sings along to many praise and worship songs as well as the Frozen sound track!
9. TV and Movies now hold your attention! You love movies, especially on the iPad or sitting in Mommy or Daddy's lap in the living room. You can now enjoy them from the couch and no longer need to sit super close! Eye surgery has drastically improved your life!
10. You are more than likely 3- not almost 5. After lots of medical tests and specialist appointments, we are fairly convinced you are 3- 3.5. This is actually a good thing since you fit right in with that group intellectually and physically. Speech therapy is helping you catch-up and PT and OT will be starting soon to help with that as well. He loves his new 5-point-carseat that he had to be moved to since he is too young for the booster.... This is a crazy change- but we are excited he is so young!
So much has happened in these 2 months- we cherish being a part of this growing process and are excited to see how they will continue to grow, change, and be able to communicate with us even more! We love you, Asher and Annalise, to the moon and back!