The Marathon of Drs Visits is what we are affectionally calling this week. We knew going into this adoption, that the twins would have plenty of medical "issues" both revealed in their medical paperwork, as well as those that we would discover as various specialists looked them over.
That is proven to be exactly true this week- and we aren't even done with the medical appointments/procedures! What's really sad is that most of these could of/should of, been taken care of years ago. IF they had, the twins would be experiencing a vastly different toddler-hood. But, that is why God brought them to us- so we could be a part of this medical journey. That we could be the catalyst to help them heal, see, hear, the way normal kids do! What a privilege! What a joy! {on a side, note, if you want to contribute to their medical co-pays, feel free to send money!}
Here is what you really want- pictures!! Annalises' glasses came in super fast- we ordered them Monday and they arrived Thursday!! When we put them on her, she "Ohhhed" and "Ahhhhed"- her eyes shining. Potentially, for the first time in her life, she was NOT experiencing double-vision! The Dr warned that it may take her time to get used to wearing them... Nope. Not Annalise! Once we put them on, she has basically not wanted to take them off! She is SO happy with them on! I hope it's that she can finally see- but it could very well be that she has a new accessory that she loves!
Beautiful girl and her glasses- and a smoothie that she LOVED! |
Sorry, there are no pictures of this- but they did go to our local elementary school and had speech evaluations! Annalise rocked it- the therapist was floored at how much she understood! She did also showcase her speech- and lack of key sounds. Asher failed with flying colors- as we knew he would. We just aren't sure if his delay is purely intellectual or a result of being allowed to basically do whatever he wanted (i.e. not pushed or exposed to anything really academic) for the last 4.5 years. We will continue to have them both tested so we have a better understanding of where their strengths and weaknesses lie. It is a long process- and we won't have any definitive answers for 3-4months.
Next up- ears! In Lithuania, the international doctor told us that she couldn't see in Annalise's ear and that she needed to see an ENT. When Annalise was seen by our pediatrician, she even said her ear was so bad that she needed the ENT. So, off to the ENT we went!
We love this ENT. This is the ENT that took out Addie's tonsils and has helped us repair Alden's nose after a different ENT wrecked it. This ENT takes off every July and does medical mission work. I love them.
We started off with just a hearing test- but both twins each had 1 ear so clogged with wax that they needed to have it removed before the hearing test. To make a long story short, we ended up seeing the Nurse Practioner, the doctor and a team of other nurses. Annalises' ear is far worse- it took the entire team to clear her ear of wax it was that compacted. She cried, but was a real trouper! In the end, the doctor determined that she has a retracted ear drum- probably from recurrent, untreated ear infections. She is going to have surgery on Valentine's Day to put a tube in that ear- and hope that her ear drums pops back. If it doesn't, she will have to have her ear drum reconstructed. She will also have her adenoids removed- she has sleep apnea. Poor, sweet girl!

Asher's ENT appointment was far less dramatic. His ear was easily cleaned out and he passed his hearing test with flying colors! He does have crazy-huge tonsils, which will be coming out, just not right away- probably this summer (yay....). He will have surgery to fix his tongue and remove his adenoids- to help with his monster snoring. He was such a trouper, too!
It is amazing how they both seem to understand just about everything that is spoken to them in English! God has certainly gifted them with quick minds!!
Last appointment of this post- the dentist!! They both were a little leary- which was totally understandable given their ENT visit the day before (the visit was 2.5 hrs long!). It was sweet that they both wanted to hold either my hand or their Daddy's hand. They may not have been happy, but they obeyed and in the end, were smiling and cavity free (which shocked us!!).
We are so blessed to have these 2 in our lives! We are excited to see what God has inshore for them!